2012 Year In Review
FLOC has much to celebrate at the end of 2012 with over 65,000 service hours given to the local community. That number was achieved through 127 volunteer opportunities, partnering with over 105 nonprofits, operating in OC, SD and LA counties, engaging new members and creating an innovative corporate volunteer matching program. According to the Independent Sector an hour of volunteer work in California is worth $24.18 based on the cost of living in the state. If that is true, than FLOC volunteers contributed $1,571,070 to help create a better community for Southern California! Factor that number into FLOC’s $25,000 annual budget this year and one could say that for every dollar donated, FLOC returned $62.80 to the community. Now that’s an enormous return on investment!
Thank you to all FLOC volunteers for your time and energy serving in 2012! Next year’s goal is to achieve more than 100,000 volunteer hours in Southern California. Let’s do it!!
Below is a recap of “Awareness Events” and highlights of 2012:
January 2012, Women Helping Women ~ Men 2 Work
The 2012 year began at Rock N’ Fish in Laguna Beach. Women Helping Women/Men2Work’s Associate Director Brateil Aghasi shared her passion for the organization and their work to provide comprehensive employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens in reaching economic self- sufficiency. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer at a special “shopping Saturday” event.
“The gentlemen, and women that walk out of our office dream bigger for themselves. When people walk out of our shop they are confident and they feel that they are ready for their job. …Personally, I searched for an organization that could provide financial literacy and make a difference…and that is what WHW does.” Brateil Aghasi Associate Director Women Helping Women/Men2Work ~ Watch Video
February 2012, Illumination Foundation
February’s FLOC event marked the 2nd annual Mardi Gras party taking place at Muldoons in Newport Beach. Along with throwing beads, the Illumination Foundation‘s Communication Director Sheryl Overman and Executive Director Paul Leon shared their passion for the organization and the work they do to bridge the gap in existing services for the most underserved…breaking or preventing the cycle of homelessness.
“The average age of a homeless person living here in Orange County is 10 years old. Currently the data shows that we have 28,000 students living in unstable homeless environments. With that in mind, the Illumination Foundation was formed and began working on Housing, Medical and Outreach!” Sheryl Overman Illumination Foundation
Communications Director ~ Watch the video
March’s event took place at The Improv in Irvine. Miracles for Kids Founder and President Autumn Strier shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to improve the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Following the meeting, FLOCers listened to 5 comedians including headliner Adam Hunter. Special thank you to the Law Firm of DiMarco, Araujo & Montevideo for sponsoring the evening and helping us all have a good laugh. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to volunteer and assist Miracles for Kids.
“At Miracles for Kids, we are a big family and a group that just tries to do one simple thing in our community, our goal is to provide aid to low-income families who currently have ill children. This last year we served over 268 families and over 100 different diseases. Autumn Strier, Miracles for Kids Founder and President ~ Watch the Video
April 2012, The Wooden Floor and Hailey’s House
April’s FLOC event took place at French 75 in Laguna Beach. Hailey’s House Founders Tom and Kisha Maher shared their passion for the organization and the work they are doing to create a home for teenagers girls (watch video). Next, Keegan Bell, Development Director of the Wooden Floor shared the organization’s mission to give 375 underserved local youth the tools to live fuller, healthier lives, through a unique approach grounded in dance (watch video). Following the event, FLOC members signed up to volunteer and assist both the Wooden Floor and Hailey’s House.
“The Wooden Floor is not a dance school. We use dance as a transformational agent.” Keegan Bell, The Wooden Floor Development Director
“There’s power in someone who you can talk to…someone who believes in you…and that can be a turning point in someone’s life…and that’s what Hailey’s House is all about.” Kisha and Tom Maher, Founders of Hailey’s House
The month of May marked FLOC’s 3 Year Anniversary Celebration! It took place at Still Water in Dana Point and OCEANA’s Board Member Valerie Van Cleave shared the organization’s mission to protect the world’s oceans through science-based policy campaigns. ~ Watch Video ~ The event also included special guest, Quy “Q” Nguyen (one of Orange County’s strongest philanthropists) who inspired FLOCers to continue to make a difference in the community and congratulated FLOC on their 3 year achievement. ~ Watch Video
The highlight of the evening was the crowning of “FLOCer of the Year” which went to FLOC’s Graphic Designer Mat Masoni for best demonstrating service, leadership and community engagement. Mat was by far the most active member of FLOC’s year 3; volunteering 100s of hours, contributing dollars to several charities and leading others to do the same.
Several months later in July, FLOCers gathered at the OCEANA summer gala and helped to bring in over 1 million dollars for the charity.
“We are the largest international ocean conservation organization. We think the oceans are in trouble and we are working to reverse that through dealing with ocean pollution and collapses of fish populations.” Valerie Van Cleave, OCEANA Board Member
June 2012, The Raise Foundation
June’s FLOC event took place at Port in Corona Del Mar. The Raise Foundation’s Development Director Kendra Puryear shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to prevent child abuse by strengthening families. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer and to further support the organization.
“When we talk about abuse we think of parents hitting their kids or sexual abuse…but there are other types of abuse and actually neglect is the majority of reported child abuse in Orange County. The parents just don’t have the resources, education or the skill set to take care of their children appropriately and that’s where the Raise Foundation comes in.” Kendra Puryer, Raise Foundation Development Director ~ Watch Video
July 2012, Anaheim Family Justice Center
In July, FLOCers gathered at SOL Restaurant in Newport Beach. Members learned about the Anaheim Family Justice Center and the excellent work they do to provide a long-term positive impact in the community by compassionately providing effective, coordinated services and support to people whose lives have been touched by child abuse, domestic violence, elder/dependent adult abuse, or sexual assault.
“The concept is to bring together all the resources so that victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse or elder abuse can go to one central place and receive the services they need including police, investigation, restraining orders, social services, etc…” Captain Julian Harvey, Anaheim Family Justice Center Board Member ~ Watch Video
August’s FLOC event took place at the Deck Restaurant in Laguna Beach. FLOC members heard from Executive Director Charlene M. Ashendorf about Laurel House’s goals to provide a temporary, safe home for teenage girls who are going through a difficult period. Following the event, FLOCers signed up to volunteer for an upcoming Halloween “decorating day” at the home.
“We serve girls who are between the age of 13-17 who come to us from sexual abuse situations, battered mothers/fathers, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and the majority of our girls have been sexualized by the age of 12.” Charlene Ashendorf, Executive Director of Laurel’s House ~ Watch Video
September 2012, American Cancer Society
September’s FLOC event took place at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. The American Cancer Society’s “Special Events Manager” Michelle Rodriguez shared the organization’s mission/vision to save lives and create a world with less cancer. FLOCers also heard from cancer survivor “marie” who shared her personal struggle with the disease and the help she received from ACS. The evening concluded with words from ACS staff members April Ahumada and Chi Vu who urged FLOC members to get involved with the organization. Many FLOCers responded by signing up to participate in a national cancer study that will take place over the next 10/20 years.
“The societies goal is to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people get well, by helping them stay well, by finding cures and by fighting back against cancer. We do this through research, education, advocacy and services.” Michelle Rodriguez, Special Events Manager with the American Cancer Society ~ Watch Video
October 2012, Segerstrom Center for the Arts
Octobers’s FLOC event took place at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa. The night was a real treat as FLOC members heard from staff members Talena Mara and Jason Holland who shared the Center’s mission to present a wide variety of the most significant national and international productions of music, dance and theater to the people of Southern California. Following the presentation, FLOC Members attended a showing of “Stomp” and later had the opportunity to sign up to volunteer with various activities happening at the center.
“What you may not know is that the Center through its education and community programs has served more than 6 million people in our community over the last 25 years!” Talena Mara, Vice President of Education for the Segerstrom Center for the Arts ~ Watch Video
November 2012, Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group
November’s FLOC event took place at the Back Bay Bistro Restaurant in Newport Beach. Dana Point’s 5th Marine Regiment Support Group Board Member Peter Hammer took the microphone to share the organizations mission of providing support and outreach to the 5th Marines & Sailors (At Camp Pendleton and when Deployed) and their Families here at Home. Opportunities were given to sign up to volunteer at the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
The entire event was co-branded with the local networking group the EliteOC. Special thank you to Joe Stapleton and his team for helping organize the event!!
“We are refuited to be one of the best marine support groups in the country, you name it we do it, boots on the ground outreach for kids, families and marines.” Peter Hammer, President of the 5th Marine Regiment Support Group. ~ Watch Video
December 2012, FLOC Holiday Party
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season with the 3rd annual Holiday Toy Drive, Dinner and Charity Crawl. 110 FLOCers attended the festivities, which began at the Women’s Community of Laguna Beach and concluded downtown at Hennessey’s Tavern. During the evening members learned about the work of FLOC in 2012 and celebrated the achievement of volunteering over 65,000 hours of service to the community. After a tasty dinner from sponsors Fire Breather BBQ, members heard from America On Track Executive Director Claire Braeburn, watched a video and then embarked on a pub crawl involving 4 bars: The Mar, Big Fish,
The White House and Hennessey’s. The event was a fundraiser for FLOC and it raised over $1100 dollars for FLOC’s work in the community. 100+ gifts were donated at the event and were later distributed to the local nonprofit America On Track. Huge thank you goes out to the event sponsors: Gundlach Property Group, DiMarco, Araujo & Montevideo Firm and Rober Kollar. ~ Watch Video