Jul 6 4:04pm

Beyond the “Rat Race” ~ The Value of a FLOC Membership

rat-raceThe REALITY of adult life is that you have to pay to play.  There simply is “no such thing as a free lunch.”  The pain of this REALITY strikes us each morning as we don our fancy clothes, leave our homes and venture into the oh-so-familiar realm known as “the office.” Day-after-day we play the game, seeking out the mighty dollar in order that our personal needs, dreams and passions may be fulfilled.  Society has deemed it the endless “rat race” AND sometimes it can feel self-defeating, pointless and without real purpose.  Can you relate?  The founders of FLOC certainly could and it’s primarily because of the RAT REALITY the Future Leaders of Our Community came into existence!

In the winter of 2009 an idea surfaced to provide “a space” for young professionals that would push us off the treadmill and into the realm of contribution, service and friendship; a realm that would be different, exciting, challenging and yet completely rewarding.  From this “space” new passions could be born, discoveries made and lives enriched.

Maybe it sounded a bit too altruistic and idealistic, but that was the idea and for the early members the idea HAD to became a reality.  As a result the last four years have been quite extraordinary as FLOC has changed thousands of lives, inspired passion, created new friendships, built bridges and made a difference for over 150 nonprofit partners as well as 500+ FLOC members. What’s the value of that??  Hard to say…but in hard numbers we estimate that for just the local OC/SD/LA community it has resulted in 250,000+ service hours and over $6,000,000 direct and indirect dollars donated to charity. Now that’s pretty darn cool!

~ Is this something that YOU want to be a part of?  For FLOC Members the answer is simple!  We want to be engaged, we want to know our neighbors, we want to know the charities in our community that make a difference, we want to know like-minded people that give back, we want to do business with people we have a relationship with, we want to be a participant, we want to do something outside of ourselves and we want to feel good that we are making a contribution.

The value of being a FLOC Member can be enormous if what you desire to step outside of the “rat race” and find some space to make a difference in the lives of others…and your own.  Make a decision this 2014 to do just that and become a part of an amazing community!  FLOC Membership ($160 annually or $45 quarterly)

For more information on FLOC Membership and to become a member click here.


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