Aug 24 8:25am

FLOC Raises Dollars for Partners through OC Weekly Magazine

This past week FLOC advertised an OC Weekly event called “Cocktails for a Cause.”  Many FLOCers attended and all proceeds were given to our charity partner the Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley.  ~ OC Weekly started “Cocktails for a Cause” years ago, but in 2011 they partnered with FLOC to help them pick the benefiting charities for the event.  So far OC Weekly (with FLOC’s help) has chosen WeROCK, Kids Konnected, Families Forward, AIDS Services Foundation and the Boys and Girls Club as benefiting partners.  This coming weekend CASA has been chosen as the benefiting charity for OC Weekly’s Decadence event.  The event is significantly more extravagant then the typical “Cocktails for a Cause” and it will involve live music, local artists, numerous food booths from OC’s restaurants, dancing and drinks from some of OC’s best beverage companies.  The event will take place lakeside at the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa and tickets are only $15 dollars online…and again proceeds help support our charity partner CASA!!!

FLOC is incredibly proud of its partnership with OC Weekly Magazine and is thrilled that the magazine is willing to do a monthly event to benefit a local charity.  FLOCers are encourage to support these events as they are a lot of fun, they usually involve free food/drinks, there’s a great raffle prize and the dollars raised benefit our partners.  We hope to see you at this coming weekend’s Decadence event benefiting CASA and future “Cocktails for a Cause” events to come!  Click here for all Decadence details.

~ Special thank you to Dana Schroedl who has been OC Weekly’s contact for FLOC.  She created “Cocktails for a Cause” years ago and through her work has helped raise over $65,000 for local charities.  Dana has now moved on to work for another magazine company in San Diego, but her “Cocktails for a Cause” event will continue!!  All the best to Dana as she ventures south and FLOC looks forward to re-uniting with her once FLOC’s SD chapter is developed!



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