Jun 2 8:07pm


If you get that obscure movie reference, I love you – If not, I probably love you anyway.

Like many of you, I got an email from Shawn Lurie, the Volunteer Services Coordinator with the Mission Hospital Foundation. It was addressed to all of us who signed up to volunteer our time for the Breast Health Wall of Honor. What amazed me was that almost 60 flocers volunteered to help out, not counting those who may have volunteered for the other events that Mission Hospital Foundation has planned for the year! It is incredible how quickly we are making a positive impact on our community.

If you would like to volunteer your time to the Mission Hospital Foundation and did not sign up at our event, please contact Shawn Lurie and ask her about the Breast Health Wall of Honor and all the other fun and exciting opportunities on the horizon.

“We are a force of extraordinary magnitude. You have our gratitude…”


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