May 5 7:01pm

Member Profile: Robert Kollar!

On the last hot day of the summer of 2009, in the throws of endless late-night facebook stalking, traveling from San Diego to Los Angeles seeking out hundreds of conversations from networking groups, and finally to a lead that led to the doorstep of Ketel One Vodka’s Hospitality Center, Robert Kollar discovered FLOC!  From that moment forward neither FLOC nor Robert would ever be the same…


This month it is a pleasure to highlight FLOC Member Robert Kollar.  He has been with FLOC from almost its inception and has had an untold amount of influence upon the organization.  As an attorney, a judge, a CrossFit king, a scuba diving wizard, and a networker extraordinaire, there are simply no boundaries to his capacity to lead and to make a positive impact in the community.  Attending more volunteer events than awareness events, Robert embraces FLOC’s mission/vision and truly lives the concept of giving back.  Above all, Robert’s influence of bringing FLOC’s work to like-minded friends and businesses such as Kawasaki has and will continue to have a major impact as to the longevity and sustainability of FLOC.


Thank you Robert for your dedication, commitment and service to your community!


For those of you who haven’t met Robert; his smile is contagious and his humor is always light hearted.  Be sure to shake his hand at the next FLOC event or volunteer opportunity.  He’s someone you’ll want to meet and get to know as a friend!!  To learn more about Robert Kollar, please take a look at his profile in the FLOC Directory.


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