Challenged Athlete Foundation


Established in 1997, the Challenged Athletes Foundation recognizes the athletic greatness inherent in all people with physical challenges and supports their athletic endeavors by providing unparalleled sports opportunities that lead to success in sports — and in life.

Programs Below:

Access for Athletes — Challenged Athletes Foundation’s® (CAF) flagship program — steps in where rehabilitation and health insurance end by providing funding grants for equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles, mono skis and sports prosthetics, and resources for training and competition expenses directly to physically challenged individuals. Access for Athletes surmounts financial impediments to participation in sports, ensuring that challenged athletes are not left on the sidelines because they can’t afford expensive equipment or training costs. CAF believes participating in sports not only increases challenged athletes’ physical fitness and activity levels, but also enhances their confidence and self-esteem.

Operation ReboundChallenged Athletes Foundation’s® (CAF) Operation Rebound® program is the premier sports and fitness program for American military personnel, veterans and first responders with permanent physical disabilities.  It provides unparalleled opportunities to pursue active, athletic lifestyles by offering access to funding for equipment and training and competition expenses, Military Medical Center Physical Training (MMCPT) and sports clinics.

Challenged Athletes Foundation’s® (CAF) Catch a Rising Star (CRS) provides post-rehabilitation support and mentoring to individuals who have suffered a traumatic injury, have a physically impairing disease or were born with a congenital impairment resulting in a physical disability. Through fun, interactive, non-threatening clinics providing instruction in basic sports skills — like swimming, running and handcycling — CAF allows each participating individual to develop the confidence they need to reach their fitness goals. Each clinic is led by a recognized expert and past CAF grant recipients and ambassadors of sport serve as the mentors and role models for the next wave of challenged athletes.

Challenged Athletes Foundation’s® (CAF) Reach High provides information, resources and opportunities to people with physical challenges, enabling them to make informed decisions about health, lifestyle and medical choices. The program also raises awareness within the broader community about physically challenged people. Ultimately, the program aims to change perceptions and inspire people with physical challenges to realize and reach for their dreams.
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