Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Many FLOCers had no idea what Cystic Fibrosis was until Ex. Dir. Mike Shumard and his team of dedicated staff came to the Renaissance Club Sport (Aug. 2010) in Aliso Viejo to share the amazing work of finding a cure for the debilitating lung disease.  FLOCers responded by assisting with a wine tasting event in November and helping to bring more awareness to the disease.

“Cycstic Fibrosis is an orphan disease.  That means there is no money that comes in from the government or drug companies.  This means it must come from you, from families, from supporters and people who encourage the research.  We know we can’t do this without you!” – Mike Shumard, Executive Director, Cystic Fibrosis.


In the 1950s, few children with cystic fibrosis lived to attend elementary school. Today, advances in research and medical treatments have further enhanced and extended life for children and adults with CF. Many people with the disease can now expect to live into their 30s, 40s and beyond.

Since 1955, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has been the driving force behind the pursuit of a cure. Thanks to the dedication and financial backing of our supporters–patients, families and friends, clinicians, researchers, volunteers, individual donors, corporations and staff, we are making a difference.


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