Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment
Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Public Benefit
The 5th Marines were originally Adopted by The City of Dana Point in 2004. As our Outreach efforts gained momentum and our Organization became more formalized, we Incorporated, assembled a well qualified Board of Directors, and gained Tax Exempt status in late 2007 and early 2008. The Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group is a Tax-Exempt, Qualified 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
To this end, our Mission is to provide Support and Outreach to the 5th MAR Marines & Sailors (At Camp Pendleton and when Deployed) and their Families here at Home.
Since becoming fully engaged and operational in January 2008, we have sent well in excess of 500 Care Packages over to Regimental Combat Team 5 in Iraq, helped sponsor or arrange several Events for our Expectant Mothers, “Pamper Parties” for our Wives, delivered numerous Truck Loads of Food Stuffs for our Families, and helped arrange emergency financial resources for our Troops, Spouses and Children who are legitimately in an emergency-distressed situation. During the Holidays we were fortunate enough to be of assistance to a number of Marines so that they might attend their 233rd Marine Corps Birthday Ball at a reasonable and minimal cost. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, Truck Loads of Food, Presents, a Lit Christmas Tree, and Poinsettias were presented to our Families so they might fully enjoy the festive season while their loved were away.
In terms of Execution relative to our Mission, word has it that we are one of the best at making use of the limited resources we have at our disposal while meeting the needs of our 5th Marines and their Families.
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