FLOC General History and Past Events:
December 2016 ~ Holiday Toy Drive Supporting Orangewood Children’s Foundation, Santa Crawl Reaches 900+ and generates $16,000 for Project Access!
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season in style at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. Members purchased 100s of toys for needy children associated with the Orangewood Children’s Foundation and celebrated a night together enjoying music from the FLOC Band Dead Ringer. The month of December also included the 11th Annual Holiday Newport Santa Pub Crawl which raised over $16,000 for Project Access.
November 2016, Outstanding Philanthropic Group, National Philanthropy Day!
In November FLOCers received the incredible honor from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, receiving “Outstanding Philanthropic Group of the Year” for National Philanthropy Day. The celebration took place on November 17th at the Grove in Anaheim. FLOC Executive Director, Shawn Wehan, accepted the award and shared some words with the crowd about the Millennial generation and the need for future investment.
October 2016, Halloween Party with Auguste Deter Foundation
OCT. 26TH, was Halloween Time for FLOCers as everyone dressed in crazy costumes, learned about the organization Auguste Deter Foundation, and danced to some great DJ music! The evening included appetizers, photo booth, DJ and more crazy fun….all at Muldoon’s in Newport Beach!
September 2016, Discovery Cube
FLOC Members and friends learned more about the Discovery Cube, and how the organization is committed to impacting the lives of children through hands-on science education.
August 2016, Laguna Beach KX 93.5
FLOCers learned about the local nonprofit KX 93.5 at their station in Laguna Beach. Members and friends gathered to hear how the station aims to create radio that is meaningful, locally-oriented, and focused on music discovery.
July 2016, Charity Palooza
FLOC joined forces in July and EliteOC and highlighted 10 charities in the OC community. Following the event, FLOC members had an opportunity volunteer and attend charitable events throughout the community.
June 2016, Child Abuse Prevention
FLOC learned about the organization Child Abuse Prevention Center, June 30th, at Bosscat Kitchen in Newport Beach. Members gathered to learn how the organization works to serves at-risk children and families in crisis to prevent and break the generational cycle of child abuse. Following the event FLOCers signed up to volunteer with Child Abuse Prevention Center at a later date.
May 2016, A Walk On Water
FLOC celebrated its 7 year anniversary and learned about the organization A Walk On Water at a Wine Bar in Corona Del Mar. FLOC members gathered to hear how the organization works to provide water therapy through guided surf instruction to specials needs children. Surfing is used as a tool to gain self confidence skills and promote the therapeutic benefits of the sport’s positive effects. This year the coveted “FLOCer of the Year” award went to Melissa Salas for demonstrated service, leadership and community engagement, particularly in regards to his help in Emceeing FLOC events and volunteering at Rock Harbor Church. Congrats Melissa!
April 2016, Casa Youth Shelter
April’s Awareness Event featured the organization Casa Youth Shelter at Skyloft in Laguna Beach. FLOC members gathered to learn how the organization works to serve at-risk children and families in crisis to prevent and break the generational cycle of child abuse. Numerous opportunities were presented to engage with the organization.
March 2016, Tour de OC
In March, members gathered in Costa Mesa to learn how Tour de OC works to create a cycling event providing life changing moments and unique opportunities of hope to children of abuse. Proceeds fund a unique Royal Family Kids summer camp experience, designed especially for their needs, with year round mentorship and club opportunities. Following the event FLOCers will had an opportunity to volunteer in the bike race with the Tour de OC.
February 2016, Child Guidance Center
FLOCers headed to Mozambique Steakhouse in Laguna Beach, February 25th to learn how the Child Guidance Center helps children and parents throughout Orange County achieve healthier, better balanced lives through innovative counseling, treatment and educational enrichment programs.
January 2016, Western Youth Services
FLOC learned about the organization Western Youth Services on Thursday, January 28th, at the Wine Gallery in CDM. FLOC members will gathered to learn how the organization provides mental health services for the most vulnerable children and families in Orange County for more than 40 years. Following the event FLOCers had an opportunity to volunteer with Western Youth Services at a later date.
December 2015 ~ Holiday Toy Drive Supporting Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley, Santa Crawl Reaches 900+ and FLOCers Assist at CASA Holiday Party and Cystic Fibrosis Hike the Halo.
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season in style at the Wafayer in Costa Mesa. Members purchased 100s of toys for needy children at the Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley and celebrated a night together enjoying music from the FLOC Band the Gromble. The month of December also included the 10th Annual Holiday Newport Santa Pub Crawl which raised over $13,000 for Project Access. FLOC Members also attended CASA’s holiday party and assisted Santa with 300+ children bringing good cheer to all. Others attended Corazon de Vida’s holiday field trip south of the boarder and Cystic Fibrosis’ Hike the Halo!
November 2015, Pure Game!
In November FLOCers came to learn about the organization Pure Game at Luxe Restaurant/Bar in Dana Point. Members learned how the organization works to provide mentors “Field Champions” with the tools to help children develop character through experiential learning…facilitated through the game of soccer.
October 2015, Second Harvest Food Bank and Halloween Party
OCT. 28TH, was Halloween Time for FLOCers as everyone dressed in crazy costumes, learned about the organization Second Harvest Food Bank, and danced to some great DJ music! The evening included appetizers, photo booth, DJ and more crazy fun….all at Muldoon’s in Newport Beach!
September 2015, GLOBAL G.L.O.W. Girls Leading Our World in Huntington Beach
FLOC Members and friends learned more about Global G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World), and how the organization organizes group mentor programs for teenage girls fostering self confidence in a critical period of their development. Later in the month FLOC CHOC Walkers spent time Sunday morning with Mickey and friends while raising over $1000 for Children’s Hospital!
August 2015, CHOC Hospital in Santa Ana
FLOCers learned about the Children’s Hospital of Orange County Foundation on August 27th, 7PM at Chapter One – Red Room in Santa Ana. Members and friends gathered to learn how the organization worked to meet the needs of children and families with first-class care and state-of-the-art facilities. At the event Dr. Jason Toranto spoke of the work of Children’s Hospital of Orange County and ways to get involved with their Foundation…including the upcoming “Walk in the Park” at Disneyland on Oct. 11th.
July 2015, Global Genes, Lawn Bowling in Laguna Beach
FLOC learned about the organization Global Genes, July 29th, at Laguna’s Lawn Bowling Club! 60 FLOCers put on their best lawn bowling whites and joined friends for a summer evening of bowling, BBQ and fun. It was perfect evening that included jazz music, BBQ and education regarding the impact of genetic diseases and the work of Global Genes. It’s good to be a FLOCer!
June 2015, Hope for the Warriors at Ten Asian Bistro in Costa Mesa
FLOC learned about the organization Hope For The Warriors, June 25th, at Ten Asian Bistro in Newport Beach. Members gathered to learn how the organization works to enhance the quality of life for post-9/11 service members, their families, and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty. Following the event FLOCers signed up to volunteer with Hope For The Warriors at a later date.
May 2015, FLOC 6th Anniversary at Stillwater will Make A Wish Foundation
FLOC celebrated its 6 year anniversary and learned about the Make A Wish Foundation at Still Water in Dana Point. FLOC members gathered to hear how the organization works to fulfill the wishes of medically eligible children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 18 faced with life-threatening medical conditions. Weeks later, members attended the Make A Wish “YP Rolling For Wishes” fundraiser, coordinated by FLOC member Kevin Wagner. This year the coveted “FLOCer of the Year” award went to Matthew McGrane for demonstrated service, leadership and community engagement, particularly in regards to his help in organizing the AIDS Walk with fellow FLOC members. Congrats Matt!
April 2015, Child Creativity Lab at Wine Artist in Lake Forest
April’s Awareness Event featured the organization Child Creativity Lab at the Wine Artist in Lake Forest. FLOC members gathered to learn how the organization works to nurture the creative mindset of children. At the event FLOC Members innovated new robots out of throwaway pieces of plastic! Numerous opportunities were presented to engage in the organization including a challenge for FLOCers to adopt a volunteer day with the organization’s Museum On Wheels program May 29th, June 1st, 4th, 8th or 12th.
March 2015, Cradle to Career Kenya, Bungalo in CDM
In March, members visited the Bungalow in CDM to learn how Cradle to Career: Kenya works to transform the lives of Kenyan orphans and vulnerable children, from preschool through college to career. The organization had members take fun career photos to encourage college graduates in Kenya.
February 2015, Providence Speech and Hearing in Costa Mesa
FLOC Members participating February in a simple game of “heads-up/charades” while primary senses of hearing and sight were impaired. Providence Speech and Hearing Center uses such game techniques to quickly show supporters how sensory loss impacts one’s ability to effectively communicate. Following the event members took advantage of multiple volunteer opportunities offered by the organization throughout the year.
January 2015, AIDS Services Foundation at Hennessey’s in Laguna Beach
FLOC kicked off 2015 with a fun crowd at Hennessey’s, Laguna Beach. AIDS Services Foundation Development Director, Chris Bragg, shared his passion for the organization and the work they do to prevent the spread of HIV and improve the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Orange County. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer/attend their upcoming AIDS Walk Orange County, scheduled May 9th.
December 2014 ~ Holiday Toy Drive Supporting America On Track, Santa Crawl Reaches 500+ and FLOCers Assist at CASA Holiday Party.
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season in style at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. Members purchased 100s of toys for needy children associated with America On Track and celebrated a night together enjoying music from the FLOC Band the Gromble. The month of December also included the 9th Annual Holiday Newport Santa Pub Crawl which raised over $7000 for Project Access. FLOC Members also attended CASA’s holiday party and assisted Santa with 300+ children bringing good cheer to all. Others attended Corazon de Vida’s holiday field trip south of the boarder!
November 2014, Foundation for Ichthyosis and Other Related Skin Types at Scott’s
Philanthropist united in November as DifferenceMakersOC and FLOC gathered to learn more about the Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types at Scott’s Restaurant in Costa Mesa. Over 100 people attended the special event that brought great awareness to rare skin diseases.
October 2014, Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach Halloween Party
FLOC’s Halloween Party was back this year! October 29th – FLOC Members and friends celebrated Halloween and learned about the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach at the Surf & Sand Resort in Laguna. The party included a photo booth, DJ, appetizers, drink specials and lots of crazy looking FLOCers. The highlight of the night was the “closed beta” launch of Givsum!
September 2014, Laura’s House at Bowlmor in Tustin
FLOC Members in September learned about Laura’s House at Bowlmor in Tustin! FLOC members gathered to hear how the organization works to provided shelter and support services to more than 3,488 battered women and children throughout Orange County and beyond. Following the event bowling ensued!
August 2014, American Lung Association at Hotel Laguna
August 27th (“Big Wednesday”), FLOC had an Awareness Event with the American Lung Association looking out over the enormous waves at Hotel Laguna. ALA’s staff member, Krisztina Quick shared her passion for the organization and the ways young professionals can get engaged and volunteer. Several FLOC Members later participated in the ALA’s annual walk.
July 2014, Human Options at The Ranch in Dana Point
In July, FLOC Members put on their bull riding chaps and sat ringside to listen to Human Options at Saddle Ranch in Costa Mesa. Through research, education and the art of listening, Human Options works with its clients to free them from domestic violence. Following the event, FLOC members had the opportunity to volunteer for Human Options.
June 2014, Women’s Transitional Living Center at Cinepolis in Dana Point
FLOC partnered in June with Cinepolis Theatre and Locale Magazine for an Awareness Event featuring the Women’s Transitional Living Center. The evening was an absolute blast as FLOC members gathered to learn how the organization works to help individuals and families escape the depths of domestic violence and exploitation. Appetizers and adult cocktails were graciously provided by Cinepolis!
May 2014, FLOC 5th Anniversary Party with Project Access
FLOC celebrated an enormous 5 year milestone with Members and friends at the Newport Winery. National Director, Shawn Wehan, shared a few words about the long-term vision for FLOC to grow throughout the country. Joining FLOC was Jennifer Bates and the staff from Project Access who shared the organization’s mission/vision of impacting low-income families through local community centers. This year the coveted “FLOCer of the Year” award went to four amazing members who best demonstrated service, leadership and community engagement. Shaina, Chrissy and Amanda were praised specifically for their years of service on the FLOC staff and Kevin for his committee work with the Make A Wish Foundation. All are known for inspiring others to engage in the community. Congrats FLOCers!
April 2014, United Way at Paul Martin’s American Grill
April’s Awareness Event featured the United Way at Paul Martin’s American Grill. 50+ FLOCers crammed onto a small patio and enjoyed a warm evening learning about the amazing work of the largest nonprofit in the world. Tabbatha Bennett along with other members of United Way’s staff and board, shared United Way’s mission to continue to serve the many needs of families throughout Orange County.
March 2014, Goodwill of OC at Muldoon’s Iris Pub
A St. Patrick’s party was the theme for the March Awareness Event featuring the Goodwill at Muldoon’s in Newport Beach. The band The Gromble entertained members throughout the night and Goodwill’s Development Director, Jamie Grant, gave a passionate speech about the amazing work the organization does to provide jobs for special needs adults in the local community. Following the event, FLOCers had an opportunity to tour the Goodwill headquarters and view their operations from the ground floor.
February 2014, ExplorOcean in Newport Beach
February’s FLOC event was a fun gathering at ExplorOcean in Newport Beach. Members partook in a tour of the facility and had a hands on experience playing with a variety of educational science materials. CEO Tom Pollack, shared the organization’s mission to inspire, educate and engage the explorer within, as well as develop critical 21st century skills through interactive experiences centered on the principles of ocean literacy.
January 2014, Boys Town at the Montage in Laguna Beach
FLOC kicked off 2014 in style at the Montage in Laguna Beach. Boys Town Executive Director, Lawren Ramos, shared his passion for the organization and the work they do to give at-risk children and their families the support they need to overcome their circumstances and realize their potential. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer as comm
ittee members for the November gala. The event also included a fun photo sent to FLOC’s Director of the Board, John Lotz, in anticipation of his wedding.
December 2013 ~ Santa Crawl Reaches 500+, Mexico Orphanage Visited and FLOCers Assist CASA Holiday Party
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season by partnering with Project Access for their 8th Annual Holiday Newport Santa Pub Crawl which raised over $9000 for the organization and brought together 500+ santas. Members also attended CASA’s holiday party and assisted Santa with 300+ children and adults bringing good cheer to all. Others attended Corazon de Vida’s holiday field trip south of the boarder!
November 2013, Heartfelt Cardiac Projects
FLOCers ate sushi in Dana Point for November’s awareness event with Holly Morrell, Founder and Executive Director of Heartfelt Cardiac Projects, at Mahe. Holly’s organization finds affordable ways to be scanned for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Click this link to watch a short video recently produced by the CBS evening news.
FLOC Gets Press!!
Monday, November 29th, OC Register featured FLOC in its Lifestyle section. A big THANK YOU to staff writer Theresa Walker for writing the piece and taking the time to learn about the history and development of FLOC. The article featured FLOC Members Shawn Wehan and Geoffrey Varga as well as Irvina Kanarek from Rewrite Beautiful and Jamie Grant from the Goodwill. Pictures included employees from Staples along with staff from Women Helping Women/Men2Work at a recent volunteer event organized by FLOC. Click here to read the full article.
October 2013, Mercy House Halloween Party
FLOC’s Halloween Awareness Event featured Mercy House, a local nonprofit that has offered comprehensive homeless services throughout Orange County since 1990. Allison Harvey, Mercy House’s Development Director, addressed the 100+ FLOCers concerning the organization’s mission/vision and work focused on homeless prevention. She encouraged everyone to participate in their November “Homeless Awareness Month!”
September 2013, Olive Crest at Crow Bar
FLOC Members in September descended upon the well known stomping ground of the Crow Bar to listen to Joe Jhung, Olive Crest’s Board Member, share the organization’s mission & vision of preventing child abuse, educating at risk children and preserving the family. Joe, who has been involved with the organization since high school, shared his passion for the work of Olive Crest and encouraged FLOCers to get involved by attending an upcoming Sadie Hawkins fundraiser on October 5th.
Over 160 people attended FLOC’s Inaugural Gala on September 12th at 7 Degrees in Laguna Beach. The event included music from Cory Case and the Gromble, a live & silent auction as well as a keynote address from Randy Barth, CEO & Founder of THINK Together. Shawn Wehan, FLOC’s National Director, gave a passionate speech about FLOC’s “agenda” to inspire leaders who serve and to seek sustainability and funding for future generations of FLOCers. In total, the event raised over $5000 which will help benefit FLOC and many of FLOC’s nonprofit partners. Thank you again to all sponsors, auction donors, attendees and the FLOC Committee who helped make the Inaugural Gala a true success! More photos here!
August 2013, With My Own Two Hands, “Vino & Vinyasa”
In August, FLOC had an awareness event like no other. It was hot, sweaty and there was lots of stretching involving difficult positions! However, when it was over everyone felt great and much was learned about the nonprofit “With My Own Two Hands.” Founded by Lindsey Pluimer in Laguna Beach three years ago, the organization has grown to impact lives all over Orange County and children in Africa. “Community doesn’t have to have boarders,” explained Lindsey. “We can make a difference here or on the other side of the world. The point is for us to find what we are passionate about and then work to do our part to serve others.”
OCEANA ~ Sea Change Gala
Over 20 FLOC Members volunteered August 18th at OCEANA’s star-studded event in the hills of Laguna Beach. Guests such as Sheryl Crow, Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Dennis Haysbert, Angela Kinsey and Oscar Numez mingled with guests and were welcomed and assisted by FLOCers. A huge thank you and congratulations to Robert Kollar, FLOC Member and OCEANA’s Sea Change Volunteer Coordinator, for leading over 40+ volunteers throughout the course of the evening. In total the event raised over 1 million dollars for OCEANA’s efforts to protect the world’s oceans.
Let’s not forget the Catalina Wine Mixer that also took place in August. Talk about a great day! 30 FLOC members participated in the mayhem. The day included a presentation from the Catalina Island Conservancy and a fun lunch at Luau Larry’s!
July 2013, RADD at “The Cliff”
In July, FLOC Members gathered to experience a gorgeous sunset over Laguna Beach and to learn about the inspiring nonprofit RADD. Erin Dugan, President of RADD, addressed the 40+ attendees and shared the organization’s development and mission/vision in the community. Following the event several FLOC members signed up to assist at the Sunset Strip Music Festival. More details about RADD here!
Leadership Trainings at the Center Club
2013 marked the year that FLOC moved it’s trainings to the Center Club in Costa Mesa. Nonprofit consultant LaVal Brewer led the quarterly trainings and instructed on topics involving volunteering, board and committee development as well as the key to developing a lifestyle of philanthropy.
June 2013, Girl Scouts on the Beach at CDM
June’s FLOC event took place at the Beach in Corona Del Mar. Representatives from the local Girl Scout chapter came to share the organization’s mission of helping girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making; and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Following the event, FLOC members enjoyed smores and the late summer evening together.
May 2013, 4th Anniversary Party with Art & Creativity for Healing
“FLOCer of the Year” was awarded in May to AnneMarie Hernandez, Geoffrey Varga and Robert Kollar at FLOC’s 4 Year Anniversary “River Boat” Party. The award is presented annually to a FLOC member who best exemplifies FLOC’s mission of service, leadership and community engagement. This year the award went to three incredibly deserving members.
AnneMarie, Geoffrey and Robert have been participating with FLOC since 2009 and have been instrumental in advancing FLOC’s growth and sustainability throughout the last four years. They walk-the-talk with ongoing volunteer participation, committee/board leadership and membership recruitment. FLOC wouldn’t be what it is without their instrumental service and ongoing support. A HUGE thank you to each of them for their community contribution!
April 2013, Be A Hero Become a Donor at Surfin’ Cowboy
April’s awareness event featured the local nonprofit Be A Hero, Become A Donor at The Surfin’ Cowboy in Capo Beach. FLOCers dressed in “country attire” and listened to Gina Cousineau, the organization’s Founder and Director, deliver an inspiring talk about the ignorance of the public regarding bone marrow and other organ donation. Responding to the call, 17 FLOCers registered as new organ donors!
March 2013, Department of Education at Location 1980
March’s FLOC event took place at Location 1980. Allison Granger, Language Arts Coordinator, shared the organization’s need for volunteers at their Young Authors Fair. Click here to watch the video of the evening and learn more about ways to get engaged with OCDE!
GIVSUM ~ Development Begins
Sometime around the beginning of 2013 a number of tech FLOCers banded together to begin producing something called Givsum. At the end of 2013 it continues to be in development, however, there is great hope that it will grace the lives of FLOC members in 2014. As they often say, the best things in life come when you least expect them. So…just keep doing what you’re doing and we’ll let you know when you’ll be doing something different.
February 2013, Youth Employment Services at Dave & Busters
February’s FLOC event was a fun gathering at Dave & Busters in Irvine. Youth Employment Services Executive Director, Kathy Du Vemet, shared their Mission of to teaching youth and young adults ages 16-22 the skills needed to secure and maintain meaningful employment, and to offer programs that help young people improve their employability, career choices and quality of life. Following the event, FLOCers enjoyed the variety of arcade and video games.
January 2013, Rewrite Beautiful at CES Contemporary in Laguna
FLOC kicked off 2013 at CES Contemporary in Laguna Beach. Rewrite Beautiful’s Founder Irvina Kanarek shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to help girls see beauty in themselves from the superficial to the concrete for the prevention of eating disorders and to equip them to use their creative skills to positively impact their communities. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer as Rewrite Beautiful Board Members!
December 2012, FLOC Holiday Party
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season with the 3rd annual Holiday Toy Drive, Dinner and Charity Crawl. 110 FLOCers attended the festivities, which began at the Women’s Community of Laguna Beach and concluded downtown at Hennessey’s Tavern. During the evening members learned about the work of FLOC in 2012 and celebrated the achievement of volunteering over 65,000 hours of service to the community. After a tasty dinner from sponsors Fire Breather BBQ, members heard from America On Track Executive Director Claire Braeburn, watched a video and then embarked on a pub crawl involving 4 bars: The Mar, Big Fish, The White House and Hennessey’s. The event was a fundraiser for FLOC and it raised over $1100 dollars for FLOC’s work in the community. 100+ gifts were donated at the event and were later distributed to the local nonprofit America On Track. Huge thank you goes out to the event sponsors: Gundlach Property Group, DiMarco, Araujo & Montevideo Firm and Rober Kollar. ~ Watch Video
November 2012, Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group
November’s FLOC event took place at the Back Bay Bistro Restaurant in Newport Beach. Dana Point’s 5th Marine Regiment Support Group Board Member Peter Hammer took the microphone to share the organizations mission of providing support and outreach to the 5th Marines & Sailors (At Camp Pendleton and when Deployed) and their Families here at Home. Opportunities were given to sign up to volunteer at the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
The entire event was co-branded with the local networking group the EliteOC. Special thank you to Joe Stapleton and his team for helping organize the event!!
“We are refuited to be one of the best marine support groups in the country, you name it we do it, boots on the ground outreach for kids, families and marines.” Peter Hammer, President of the 5th Marine Regiment Support Group. ~ Watch Video
October 2012, Segerstrom Center for the Arts
Octobers’s FLOC event took place at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa. The night was a real treat as FLOC members heard from staff members Talena Mara and Jason Holland who shared the Center’s mission to present a wide variety of the most significant national and international productions of music, dance and theater to the people of Southern California. Following the presentation, FLOC Members attended a showing of “Stomp” and later had the opportunity to sign up to volunteer with various activities happening at the center.
“What you may not know is that the Center through its education and community programs has served more than 6 million people in our community over the last 25 years!” Talena Mara, Vice President of Education for the Segerstrom Center for the Arts ~ Watch Video
September 2012, American Cancer Society
September’s FLOC event took place at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. The American Cancer Society’s “Special Events Manager” Michelle Rodriguez shared the organization’s mission/vision to save lives and create a world with less cancer. FLOCers also heard from cancer survivor “marie” who shared her personal struggle with the disease and the help she received from ACS. The evening concluded with words from ACS staff members April Ahumada and Chi Vu who urged FLOC members to get involved with the organization. Many FLOCers responded by signing up to participate in a national cancer study that will take place over the next 10/20 years.
“The societies goal is to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people get well, by helping them stay well, by finding cures and by fighting back against cancer. We do this through research, education, advocacy and services.” Michelle Rodriguez, Special Events Manager with the American Cancer Society ~ Watch Video
August’s FLOC event took place at the Deck Restaurant in Laguna Beach. FLOC members heard from Executive Director Charlene M. Ashendorf about Laurel House’s goals to provide a temporary, safe home for teenage girls who are going through a difficult period. Following the event, FLOCers signed up to volunteer for an upcoming Halloween “decorating day” at the home.
“We serve girls who are between the age of 13-17 who come to us from sexual abuse situations, battered mothers/fathers, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and the majority of our girls have been sexualized by the age of 12.” Charlene Ashendorf, Executive Director of Laurel’s House ~ Watch Video
July 2012, Anaheim Family Justice Center
In July, FLOCers gathered at SOL Restaurant in Newport Beach. Members learned about the Anaheim Family Justice Center and the excellent work they do to provide a long-term positive impact in the community by compassionately providing effective, coordinated services and support to people whose lives have been touched by child abuse, domestic violence, elder/dependent adult abuse, or sexual assault.
“The concept is to bring together all the resources so that victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse or elder abuse can go to one central place and receive the services they need including police, investigation, restraining orders, social services, etc…” Captain Julian Harvey, Anaheim Family Justice Center Board Member ~ Watch Video
June 2012, The Raise Foundation
June’s FLOC event took place at Port in Corona Del Mar. The Raise Foundation’s Development Director Kendra Puryear shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to prevent child abuse by strengthening families. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer and to further support the organization.
“When we talk about abuse we think of parents hitting their kids or sexual abuse…but there are other types of abuse and actually neglect is the majority of reported child abuse in Orange County. The parents just don’t have the resources, education or the skill set to take care of their children appropriately and that’s where the Raise Foundation comes in.” Kendra Puryer, Raise Foundation Development Director ~ Watch Video
The month of May marked FLOC’s 3 Year Anniversary Celebration! It took place at Still Water in Dana Point and OCEANA’s Board Member Valerie Van Cleave shared the organization’s mission to protect the world’s oceans through science-based policy campaigns. ~ Watch Video ~ The event also included special guest, Quy “Q” Nguyen (one of Orange County’s strongest philanthropists) who inspired FLOCers to continue to make a difference in the community and congratulated FLOC on their 3 year achievement. ~ Watch Video
The highlight of the evening was the crowning of “FLOCer of the Year” which went to FLOC’s Graphic Designer Mat Masoni for best demonstrating service, leadership and community engagement. Mat was by far the most active member of FLOC’s year 3; volunteering 100s of hours, contributing dollars to several charities and leading others to do the same.
Several months later in July, FLOCers gathered at the OCEANA summer gala and helped to bring in over 1 million dollars for the charity.
“We are the largest international ocean conservation organization. We think the oceans are in trouble and we are working to reverse that through dealing with ocean pollution and collapses of fish populations.” Valerie Van Cleave, OCEANA Board Member
April’s FLOC event took place at French 75 in Laguna Beach. Hailey’s House Founders Tom and Kisha Maher shared their passion for the organization and the work they are doing to create a home for teenagers girls (watch video). Next, Keegan Bell, Development Director of the Wooden Floor shared the organization’s mission to give 375 underserved local youth the tools to live fuller, healthier lives, through a unique approach grounded in dance (watch video). Special thank you to the Law Firm of DiMarco, Araujo & Montevideo for sponsoring the evening. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to volunteer and assist both the Wooden Floor and Hailey’s House.
“The Wooden Floor is not a dance school. We use dance as a transformational agent.” Keegan Bell, The Wooden Floor Development Director
“There’s power in someone who you can talk to…someone who believes in you…and that can be a turning point in someones life…and that’s what Hailey’s House is all about.” Kisha and Tom Maher, Founders of Hailey’s House
March’s FLOC event took place at the comedy club The Improv in Irvine. Miracles for Kids Founder and President Autumn Strier shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to improve the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Following the meeting, FLOCers listened to 5 comedians including headliner Adam Hunter. Special thank you to the Law Firm of DiMarco, Araujo & Montevideo for sponsoring the evening and helping us all have a good laugh. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to volunteer and assist Miracles for Kids.
“At Miracles for Kids, we are a big family and a group that just tries to do one simple thing in our community, our goal is to provide aid to low-income families who currently have ill children. This last year we served over 268 families and over 100 different diseases. Autumn Strier, Miracles for Kids Founder and President Watch the Video of the Event to Learn More!
February’s FLOC event marked the 2nd annual Mardi Gras party taking place at Muldoonsin Newport Beach. Along with throwing beads, theIllumination Foundation‘s Communication Director Sheryl Overman and Executive Director Paul Leon shared their passion for the organization and the work they do to bridge the gap in existing services for the most underserved…breaking or preventing the cycle of homelessness.
“The average age of a homeless person living here in Orange County is 10 years old. Currently the data shows that we have 28,000 students living in unstable homeless environments. With that in mind, the Illumination Foundation was formed and began working on Housing, Medical and Outreach!” Sheryl Overman Illumination Foundation Communications Director
January’s FLOC event took place at Rock N’ Fish in Laguna Beach. Women Helping Women/Men2Work’s Associate DirectorBrateil Aghasi shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to provide comprehensive employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens in reaching economic self- sufficiency. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer at a special “shopping Saturday” event.
“The gentlemen and women that walk out of our office dream bigger for themselves. When people walk out of our shop they are confident and they feel that they are ready for their job. …Personally, I searched for an organization that could provide financial literacy and make a difference…and that is what WHW does.” Brateil Aghasi Associate Director Women Helping Women/Men2Work
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season with the 2nd annual Holiday Charity Crawl and Wrap party. 80 FLOCers attended the festivities which began at the Women’s Community of Laguna Beach and concluded downtown at Big Fish. During the evening FLOC members learned about the work of FLOC in 2011 including expansion into Los Angeles and San Diego as well as achieving over 22,000 hours of volunteer work. After a tasty dinner from sponsors North Gate Market, Sullivan Solar Power, Brian Curruthers & Associates, OCWEEKLY Magazine, Karma Tiquila, Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, Whatadish & Tripping Billies Band, FLOCers embarked on a pub crawl involving 6 bars: Hennessey’s, The Royal Hawaiian, The White House, The Saloon and Big Fish.
The event was a fundraiser for FLOC and over $2500 dollars were contributed to FLOC’s work in the community.
The gifts donated at the event were later distributed to a Project Access and America On Track
- 250 Gifts Donated
- $2500 Raised for Charity
November’s FLOC event took place at the Microsoft Store at Fashion Island in Costa Mesa. Cure Duchenne‘s Office Manager Sue Sales shared her passion for the organization and the work they to determine the most viable research projects, accelerate the clinical trial process, and bring potential life-saving drugs to help this generation of Duchenne boys. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to volunteer and walked over to Z’ Tejas Southwestern Grill for continued conversation and drinks.
“Duchenne is a deadly disease in children. 1 out of 3500 male birth results in this disease. Currently there is no cure. However, there is lack of funding for research and we are doing our part to raise as much money as we can.” Sue Sales, Office Manager Cure Duchenne
October 2011, Ronald McDonald House
Octobers’s FLOC event took place at Andrei’sin Irvine. The Ronald McDonald Housevolunteer Jonathan Varenchik shared his passion for the organization and the work they do to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to be members of “Young Friends of the House,” which is a young adult group focused to help RMH.
“We are a home away from home for children with life-threatening illnesses. Its really hard for families, as many of them live thousands of miles away, and sometimes their child needs to be at the hospital for a year. RMH provides a space for these families to be together and to support one another during a difficult time.” Jonathan Veranchik, RMH Volunteer
September’s FLOC event took place atHennessey’s in Laguna Beach. Taller San Jose‘s Executive Director Shawna Smith shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to walk young people out of poverty by offering the hope of a productive and self-reliant future. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer and to be a member of the race team at the PCRF walk in May.
“At Taller San Jose we fix young lives that got broken early. And our job is really to walk young people out of poverty and we believe that a really effective way to do that is giving them skills that help them enter employment at a living wage.” Shawna Smith, Taller San Jose Executive Director
August’s FLOC event took place at the Landmark Restuarant in Corona Del Mar. Fish For Life Executive Director Jim Holden shared his passion for the organization and the work they do to impact the lives of special needs children. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer for an upcoming fishing day taking place in Dana Point Harbor.
“I tell you what, the response from the families is incredible. To do something as normal of fishing to honor these kids and the synergy of brining all together is amazing. We hope you can be a part of this amazing organization!” Jim Holden, Fish For Life Executive DirectorRobin Sinclair Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director
The July 2011 FLOC awareness event took place in Dana Point at Mahe’s Restaurant. FLOCers learned about the Mauli Ola Foundation and the excellent work they do to impact the lives of children suffering from Cystic Fibrosis.
“We take kids who have cystic fibrosis out surfing with professional surfers and accredited surf schools…and the children are breathing easier, their lung functions are up, less hospitalization and their self-esteem is raised!” Bobby Serna, Surf Experience
June’s FLOC event took place at the Blue Water Grille in Tustin. America On Track Program Director Olga Sanchez shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to improve the social conditions of undeserved children and families. This is done by providing them with a support system and life-transforming programs that focus on mentoring, youth asset building, academic achievement, health and fitness, gang and drug prevention, and leadership. Following the meeting, FLOCers signed up to volunteer and to further support the organization. Later in the year FLOC supplied over 150 toys for America On Track kids for the holidays.
“We can do so much for children by volunteering, by spending time with them, by helping them believe in themselves, by letting them know…yes you can! Yes you can make good decisions, move through education and have a career and life you love.” Olga Sanchez, Program Coordinator for America On Track
May 2011 marked FLOC’s 2nd year anniversary. FLOCers gathered at Scott’s seafood in Costa Mesa to throw dice, socialize and celebrate the 50 nonprofit partners that FLOC has worked with over the last two years. During the meeting Executive Director,Shawn Wehan was given a new laptop apple computer and raffle tickets were pulled for numerous prizes.
“I can’t say how thankful I am to our staff, our board, our members, our nonprofit partners, our financial supporters, our business partners, the restaurants and all those who make this organization run. You are the true champions of the community. Thank you!” Shawn Wehan, Executive Director, FLOC
April’s FLOC event took place at the Regatta Cafe and Lido Theater in Newport Beach. Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director Robin Sinclair shared her passion for the organization and the work they do to impact the lives of at risk youth. Following the meeting, FLOCers piled into Lido Theater to watch the inspirational movie “Soul Surfer.” To say the least, it was a major tear jerker. FLOC raised $850 for BHGH at the event which will go towards a backyard refurbish, bench and dinner party with members of BHGH and FLOCers.
“We provide hope in the form of residential, stable, loving environments for “stars,” teens with tremendous potential. We provide the opportunity of an incredible education and our goal is to get these kids to college and to break the cycle of poverty for their families.” Robin Sinclair Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director
FLOC partnered with the Young Professional Committee of Big Brothers Big Sisters for a super fun March Mardi Gras party.
- Over 100 people walked through the door wearing bight masks and colorful outfits.
- Jamie Grant, Joshua Flatt and Matt D’Abusco shared their passion for the organization and the need for new volunteers/mentors.
- The event raised $1100 for BBBS and helped fund a “Big Day” at boomers with 25 volunteers and 25 children/teens!
“There are over 125 thousand children in single family homes right now in OC. We have so much more to do and we need you guys!” Jamie Grant BBBS
February 2011, interfaith Homeless Outreach Project for Empowerment (iHOPE)
FLOC’s February awareness event took place at the Blue Danube in San Clemente. Jowan Mothershead and Lona Flore shared iHOPE’s mission, vision and role in helping and serving the homeless living near Capo Beach. Following the talk, FLOC members signed up to serve the homeless over the next coming Saturdays through iHOPE’s shower services and homeless resource distribution.
“It’s not just the homeless that we serve, but also the working poor. But we are the lucky ones as we get to learn their story and engage in their lives.” – Lona Flore
January 2011, Mental Health Association of Orange County, Villa Nova, Newport Beach
FLOC members began 2011 by gathering at Villa Nova’s in Newport Beach to learn more about the Mental Health Association of Orange County. FLOC member and MHA Board Member Wade Slomebegan the evening by sharing his on personal experience with the issue and encouraged others to get involved with the organization. Sandy Cusmano, MHA’s Director of Development shared the MHA mission, vision and role in the community. Darlene Powell ended the evening by sharing her experience of working for MHA and dealing personally with mental illness.
Two weeks later 35 FLOC members played a fun softball game with MHA clients from the group “What Ever It Takes” (WIT). The game was followed by a nice BBQ in the park.
“What you find with the mentally ill is that they can lead really productive and fulfilling lives when they get the proper treatment.” Wade Slome, FLOC Professional Member and MHA Board Member
- Total Volunteer Hours: 140
December 2010, World Wide Opportunities of Organic Farms USA, Pub Crawl
FLOCers celebrated the December holiday season with the annual Holiday Charity Crawl and Wrap party. 80 FLOCers attended the festivities which began at the Women’s Community of Laguna Beach and concluded downtown at Hennessey’s Tavern. During the evening FLOC members learned about the nonprofit organization World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) from the local director Ryan Goldsmith. After an organic dinner from La Sirena Grill, FLOCers embarked on a pub crawl involving 6 bars: Blue Laguna, Saloon, White House, Marine Room, Oceans Avenue and Hennessey’s Tavern. At each bar dollars were raised by bar patrons pitching into the “FLOC Holiday Bucket”.
In total, $380 dollars were raised and 100 gifts were collected for needy families. The gifts were later distributed to a Project Access sponsored community center in Santa Ana, CA.
“There are 1500 organic farms across the USA that are looking for host volunteers!” – Ryan Goldsmith, World Wide Opportunities of Organic Farms
- 107 Gift Donated
- $380 Raised for Charity
November 2010 – Families Forward, Emerging Professionals, Irvine IMPROV
FLOC partnered with the Emerging Professionals of the Irvine Chamber of Commerce for a laugh filled night at the Irvine IMPROV. 100 FLOCers/EPs attended the event which brought awareness to the nonprofit Families Forward. Later the attendees were entertained by comedian Ian Bagg. Following the event, FLOCers volunteered with Families Forward by delivering Thanksgiving meals to families in San Clemente, CA.
“Families Forward has worked really hard to provide a recession response to the south part of Orange County. So many families have been effected…and people looking more like you than me are coming into our food pantry area all the time.” – Margie Wakeham, Executive Director of Families Forward.
- Total Volunteers Hours: 60
October 2010, Project Access — Newport Beach Sutra
Newport Beach’s Sutra Club hosted FLOC’s October event with Project Access. New awareness was brought to FLOC members concerning the variety of services that are provided to low income families in Orange County. Following the event, FLOC members adopted families for the holiday by contributing gifts. “100% of the individuals that we surveyed last year said that they felt safer in their communities as a result of project access being there.” – Sondra Contino, Director of Marketing, Project Access
Court Appointed Special Advocates – September 2010
Sunsets was the bar of choice for FLOC’s September event with Court Appointed Special Advocates. Kendra Puryear, CASA’s Communication Director addressed CASA’s roll in the community and their commitment to advocate for Orange Counties abused and neglected children. During the month of August, FLOC members assisted CASA by helping to organize games and activities at one of its summer picnics. FLOC members also assisted CASA at its holiday party in December.
“It’s just me being there and spending time with her and I know she appreciates it because every time I see her she gives me a huge hug and her eyes sparkle. I know that just being in her life is doing something good!” -Laurie Ellen Park, Court Appointed Special Advocate
AIDS Services Foundation of OC – August 2010
The Cliff House in Laguna Beach provided the perfect backdrop for FLOC members to gather and listen to the needs of the AIDS Services Foundation of OC. Members signed up to volunteer with the organization’s upcoming gala and other activities that would be happening in the fall.
“Our Mission is quality of life and prevention. You can volunteer and help make a difference.” – Andrea Coulson, AIDS Services Foundation
Talk about an amazing organization! FLOCers got to learn about the exciting work of Camp Footprints at Scott’s Restaurant in Costa Mesa in July. A small group of dedicated volunteers commit an entire week of their summer to helping mentally and physically challenged kids have a mountain camp experience of a lifetime. FLOCers responded by assisting the camp staff in the evenings by spending time with the kids and providing the staff a much needed break. “We were all drawn to this simple mission that there is dignity for all human beings, including children with disabilities and from low income families.” – Mike Nguyen, Camp Footprints
Many FLOCers had no idea what Cystic Fibrosis was until Ex. Dir. Mike Shumard and his team of dedicated staff came to the Renaissance Club Sport in Aliso Viejo to share the amazing work of finding a cure for the debilitating lung disease. FLOCers responded by assisting with a wine tasting event in November and helping to bring more awareness to the disease. “Cycstic Fibrosis is an orphan disease. That means there is no money that comes in from the government or drug companies. This means it must come from you, from families, from supporters and people who encourage the research. We know we can’t do this without you!” – Mike Shumard, Executive Director, Cystic Fibrosis
FLOC’s one year anniversary took place at Sol Cocina in Newport Beach. Corazon de Vida was the nonprofit for the evening and they shared their passion of making a difference for children in Mexico who live at orphanages. FLOCers had an amazing fun filled evening that was followed by a one day trip to an orphanage in Ensenada.
“What got me doing this kind of work was I realized when I needed it the most that there was a group of hundreds of people around the US who were supporting my needs. Either directly or indirectly providing funding or work so that I could have a great life, an education and that is why I am able to do what I do today.” -Hilda Pacheco-Taylor, Founder and Executive Director, Corazon de Vida Foundation
The Blue Water Grill in Tustin was the location of FLOC’s April awareness event. Canyon Acres works with abused and neglected children throughout Orange County. Following the awareness event FLOC members traveled to one of the Canyon Acres treatment centers to rejuvenate one of the many gardens located on the property. FLOCers spent the day pulling weeds, planting flowers and cleaning up the garden.
“Here’s what we do…we care about abused, neglected and emotionally troubled children. These children come from all over the county. Children who need healing, treatment, care, love and support. They come to Canyon Acres and they get the support they need there!” -Clete Menke, Executive Director, Canyon Acres
Innocence Mission – March 2010
FLOCers learned the challenging truth in March that 1-4 girls and 1-6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 16. Executive Director Elaina Kroll painted the disturbing picture for FLOCers and urged them to get involved in the fight to preserve every child’s innocence. FLOCers participated/attended the Innocence Mission’s gala which took place in December 2009.
“Looking at the numbers a quarter of our children in our nation are being hurt and their innocence is being stolen because people are abusing them in very, very violent ways. When a child is being abused whether it be molestation, raped, incest or taken to the street and sold through trafficking …we are killing a part of them and it’s a hidden epidemic.”
Elaina Kroll President and CEO
Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley – February 2010
The February FLOC event took place in San Juan Capistrano on the beautiful patio at the L’Hirondelle Restaurant. FLOCers learned about the Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley and the excellent work they do to have a positive impact on the lives of children living in the local community. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to help a number of the club’s kids design and build a float for the local Swallows Day parade. Both the kids from the Boys and Girls club and the FLOCers walked in the parade and celebrated the day together.
“We see situations where kids don’t have money for shoes, students that need help learning English and they need support, teenagers that are about ready to fall off the tracks and they need help and they need someone to turn to, and that is what the club is there for.”
Nicole Belair, Unit Director
Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation – January 2010
In the midst of rain and the winter chill, FLOC members gathered together to drink wine and learn about the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. Hosted by the La Maison Gourmet wine shop in Mission Viejo, FLOCers learned the challenges and needs of children who suffer from the life threatening disease of cancer. Following the event, FLOC members signed up to participate in the PCRF Half Marathon Run and Walk which takes place every spring.
“More children are affected by Cancer than any other disease there is…but we are here tonight to talk about HOPE! Thanks to research and organizations like PCRF, life expectancy has improved to 80%-85% and we are committed to work until we eradicate Children’s Cancer for Good.” -Jordan Cross, PCRF Chairperson for the 2011 Walk, Run and Bike
To celebrate the holiday season FLOC headquarters was turned into winter wonderland and decorated top to bottom with cotton snow. FLOCers were invited to frolic with friends, Santa and his lovely 12 reindeers. Recognizing that it is the season of giving, each FLOC member arrived with a bag of groceries, later to be distributed through the OC Food Bank.
FLOC’s November took place at Hennessey’s Tavern in Dana Point where the entire bar was turned into a casino to raise awareness and money for WeROCK. Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board, Andrea Kooiman, shared her passion for helping kids build their self-image through the discipline and challenge of running a marathon. As of yet, no FLOC members have signed up to join her running team, but together they helped generate over $1200 for the new non-profit!!
“A marathon is 26.2 miles and what we do is show kids that with hard work, determination, support from their families, support from their friends, that really anything is possible. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they look like…they can hold their head high knowing what they’ve achieved!” –
Andrea Kooiman, WeROCK Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board
Habitat for Humanity – October 2009
FLOC members got their hands dirty in October by painting and hammering nails into new “Habitat homes” in San Juan Capistrano. Sharon Ellis, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, inspired the FLOC filled audience at Tannin’s by sharing several moving stories involving injured US soldiers and needy families that have been placed in Habitat homes. Many FLOCers took work off mid-week to participate in the two day home build.
“Transformation doesn’t happen by itself, it doesn’t happen overnight, it doesn’t happen with one person, it is all of us as a community coming together and saying, I’m going to give up a Saturday to build or use my talents to transform lives.” -Sharon Ellis, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County
Kids Konnected – September 2009
FLOCers got a special treat in September as FLOC member, James Ruiz, organized a gathering at Avila’s El Ranchito Restaurant in Laguna Niguel to learn about the non-profit Kids Konnected. Executive Director, David Peters, shared the history and development of the organization that focuses on kids whose parents are suffering from the burden of Cancer. Several hundred dollars were raised for the organization at the event and several FLOCers signed up to attend their annual Oktoberfest Gala.
“Unfortunately in the cancer community the majority of the money is spent on research and on the patients themselves, as it should be, but as a result the kids fall through the cracks. That’s why Kids Konnected is here and at a grassroots level we can make a difference.” -David Peters, Kids Konnected Executive Director
Mission Hospital – August 2009
One of FLOC’s most exciting gatherings of 2009 took place at Ketel One Vodka’s hospitality center in Aliso Viejo. Mission Hospital was the focus of the evening and information about the nonprofit was delivered by Justin McIntee (Mission Hospital Foundation Director) and Susan Barricella (hospital volunteer). Inspired by their sharing, over 60 FLOC members signed up to volunteer and participate in their upcoming fundraisers.
“In order to provide our community with the latest medical advancements in equipment and facilities, Mission relies on the generous support of our community, both financial gifts and gifts of time are critical to our ability to provide the best care possible.” -Justin McIntee, Mission Hospital Foundation Director
Laguna Beach Friendship Shelter – July 2009
FLOC’s mid-Summer gathering took place at Hennessey’s Tavern in downtown Laguna Beach. Executive Director, Dawn Price, of the LB Friendship Shelter shared with FLOC members her passion for working with the homeless and the need to support shelters in south Orange County. Many FLOCers had no idea that hundreds of homeless sleep on the streets of south OC every single night. Members were inspired by Price’s talk and signed up to prepare two large carne asada dinners for the shelter in the weeks that followed.
“Nonprofits really struggle to engage the next generation of leaders, philanthropists and volunteers, and it’s wonderful that you are putting yourself out there as part of that group. I can tell you that not every person of your generation is doing this…and so becoming a leader is something that can really help you in a lot of ways and I promise you will get back much more than you put into it!” -Dawn Price, Laguna Beach Friendship Shelter Executive Director
San Clemente Ocean Festival – June 2009
FLOC’s June gathering took place at San Clemente’s swanky wine bar know as The Cellar. The bar was packed as San Clemente Mayor, Lori Donchak, addressed the FLOCers on the issues of leadership, community involvement and volunteering for the City of San Clemente. FLOC members truly enjoyed what the mayor had to share and over 30 members signed up to participate in the upcoming SC Ocean Festival.
“When we look at talent in the 21st century…you guys are the leaders on this. Basically, the future leaders are going to be media literate, they’re going to be a global citizen, and they’re going to be involved in they’re community. FLOC is totally an emblem of that third component and skill set. Thank you for having me be a part of it!” -Lori Donchak, Mayor of San Clemente
Surfrider Foundation – May 2009
FLOC’s inaugural meeting was held on Wednesday, May 6th at Purple Feet in Dana Point. Executive Director, Rick Erkeneff, of the Surfrider Foundation was invited to speak to members about ocean conservation and the ongoing opportunities to protect our local beaches. FLOC’s new “MC” Carmen Estelle along with FLOC founders Mike McSweeney and Shawn Wehan, gave passionate speeches about FLOC’s mission/vision and their desire to see the organization impact the lives of young professionals and the community. As Carmen put it simply, “FLOC’s mission is two-fold, 1)Awareness and 2) Action. It’s that easy!”
Two weeks later 20+ FLOC members spent several hours cleaning up Salt Creek beach and then celebrated together with a BBQ at the park. Everyone had a great time!
“It’s exciting to have a young organization like this that doesn’t just shake hands and hand out business cards, but actually focuses on getting out there and really doing something!” -Rick Erkeneff, Surfrider Foundation Executive Director